Boat gay pride flag

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They circled their boat creating wake and flipped them off. “Welcome without exception,” a church sign read. These boaters on lake washington harassed another boat that dawned a pride flag. Noorderkerk, another church on the canal route flew the pride flag as well. Westerkerk, the Protestant church on the same square, rolled out rainbow flags for the occasion.

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Nearby is the Homomonument, one of the first memorials to commemorate the gay rights movement and LGBTQIA+ victims of the Holocaust. The parade route takes it past one of the city’s major tourist attractions, the Anne Frank House. Large and small companies, the local police, the military and major political parties all take part in the parade government ministers and prominent personalities duck the bridges along with everyone else. Last weekend, as Amsterdam celebrated its 20th annual canal parade, spectators from around Europe and the world crammed onto the banks of the canal, bridges and party boats that had moored especially for the occasion.īoats pumped out music, worked bubble machines and shot confetti, with parade participants slowing only at the 20 or so bridges along the route to deflate decorations and duck for cover.Īmsterdam Pride participants ducking as they go under one of 20+ bridges along the canal route. I love the diversity, mutual respect and shared fun in this open society /1RDOGTzxlG

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Proud of #GayPride #Amsterdam Boat Parade.

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